lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Quiz - week two.

Hello, lads and lasses!

This week's question is also a double one....

1.- Why do people hang up stockings at Christmas?

2.- What colour is the original Santa Claus suit? When and why did it change?

I hope that helps you win the prizes...

Beware of the Grinch that stole Christmas!

Juan Carlos Laguna.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Cards Deadline

Hello, my wonderful students!

This is a quick note just to tell you that next Monday 28 November is the last day to hand in the entries for the Christmas Card competition. We will also do a special Christmas activity that will help you with the Christmas Quiz.

I am looking forward to seeing your wonderful creations!

See you on Monday.

Juan Carlos Laguna.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Quiz

Hello, my dear students!

We will do a big Christmas Quiz with prizes in December. All the questions will be taken out of the 32-page handout that you can buy at the photocopier. There will be prizes for the students with the highest number of correct answers.

It will take place on 12 December during the English Workshop lesson.

Good luck, everyone!

Juan Carlos Laguna.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Card Competition

Hello, everyone!

The Christmas card competition is up and running! We will write the messages in the next lesson, and remember that you can't use photographs in your collages.

All the cards will be exhibited in the notice boards for all the students to see and I will pick the winner and the two runner-ups with the help of the English Department.

Good luck!

Ho, ho, ho!

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas activities.

Hello, my wonderful students!

This post is just to announce that we will do a few activities related to Christmas, such as a Christmas Quiz with prizes and a Christmas card competition.

I will tell you more about them during the week.

See you soon!

Juan Carlos.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Halloween horror story contest results.

Hello, boys and girls!

After reading all your wonderful stories, here are the three best ones for you to enjoy. The winner will be announced after posting them, so have fun reading them!

I have copied them just as I have received them, with only minor changes to help understanding. You are free to correct them in your comments, but please be respectful to your classmates.

THE BOAT by Irene Rodríguez Jiménez

Once upon a time a ship covered a lot of people around the world and this trip was gonna be very scary. They got the boat all night and when I come in almost every cabin of the boat people had died in the previous trips. Dinner came and all the passengers went to the dining room of the ship. The dining room was full of cobwebs and dust and the boat was so big that when people went to their cabins to sleep, spirits came out of the cupboards and they were behind them all night. they could not sleep. When it reached America, they were so close to find beads in the water and wood chips. At the boat many people died, the captain was saying to the people to take out the beads from the boat and sprayed the sea. When it arrived to America about five people were alive. Before disembarking, the ship had exploded.

THE DEMON by Laura Villalba Alcaide

One day I am in the countryside and I see the big castle. I touch the door. the door is open.

I see the shadow and I am frightened. I see my friend Sofi. We all go into the house. I look at my friend, she goes into the bedroom and I go into the kitchen. I see the knife holder. I get hold of one and kill my friend. When she dies I feel very bad. I kill myself and then I see the world and at this moment I kill the pople.

Because the demon eats my brain and he is walking in me I kill the people.

¡Oh! He kills my family and my friends.

The End.

HALLOWEEN NIGHT by Alessia Vela Ortega.

People say that in the Halloween night the door that separates the world of the living and the afterlife is open and the spirits of the deceased make a procession in the village they lived.

In this night the spirits visit the houses of their families, and so they do not disturb the villagers when they put a candle in the window of their house for each deceased in the family. When there is a candle in memory of each deceased the spirits do not disturb their families, if not so, the spirits will disturb them in the night making them fall into terrible nightmares and just going crazy.

So was the story of James Garret, who did not believe that legend and ended dead.

His life was very simple and boring, but every year on the Halloween night strange and mysterious things happened.

He did not attach much importance as he thought that this were antics of children, but a year it missed only on Halloween nights.

It seemed that the spirits of his deceased had drifted into their world and followed him everywhere, that is when he started to lose his temper and feel persecuted.

Looking for help, he went to a psychologist, but it was not worth it, it did not help. And when he was returning home the spirits took possession of the steering wheel of his car over a bridge...and since then, nothing was known of him, until a couple of years later, when some fishermen found his body floating in the river.

Now also his spirit is in the afterlife, but if you are a relative of James Garret, be careful because what they did with him maybe they do also with you.

And the winner is...






...ALESSIA VELA ORTEGA from class 2C!

Congratulations! You will receive you prize in the next workshop lesson.

And to the rest of entries, you have done a really good job. Keep working!

And to the workshop students who did not bother to hand in a story...

Never turn your back on The Ripper!

Whatch this space soon for a special Christmas task...

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

Halloween Story Deadline

Hello, boys and girls!

A quick word just to announce that the deadline for the Halloween horror story competition is Monday 24 October.

Good luck! And remember that the three best stories will be published here.

That's all, folks!

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011


Good morning, good afternoon and good evening!

This is the first of what I hope would be a list of many, many posts which will be created by the students from the second year of ESO at the IES Cerro Del Viento high school.

With the help of teacher Juan Carlos Laguna, this blog will be the meeting point for the writers, actors, actresses, dramatists, marketing directors and filmmakers inside the pupils. This year will be a very busy one for them.

The schedule for the activities will be announced here as soon as I know them. The first one will be a horror story contest for Halloween. I will set up the deadline soon and the three best ones will be published here.

Our main purpose with this blog is to practise and play with the English language, as well as to show the world what Spanish people can really do in a foreign language. I am sure it will be as fun for you as it will be for me. CHEERS!